Very Strange 2024 Prediction Resurfaces From 1987

Very Strange 2024 Prediction Resurfaces From 1987
Photo by Drew Beamer / Unsplash

In a fascinating glimpse into the future, a 1987 video boldly envisions the world of 2024 with remarkable accuracy. The visionary speaker anticipates a revolutionary shift in fashion, where clothes are treated with advanced chemicals to combat rising temperatures. He foresees the ubiquity of VR goggles, offering immersive digital experiences seamlessly integrated into daily life. Watches, once mere timekeepers, are predicted to connect to a global network, providing instant access to information and communication. Perhaps most strikingly, he describes a suitcase equipped with an integrated printer, revolutionizing travel by enabling on-the-go document preparation. This prescient forecast from nearly four decades ago showcases an astute understanding of technological progression and its potential impact on everyday existence even though some predictions were wrong.